Prospect Rankings Look Ahead + Spring Level Changers
As the GASO team gets closer to dropping their latest batch of rankings for the 2025 & 2026 classes, we take a look at several prospects who have raised their game this spring
Table of Contents:
TexasHoops TV Highlight Hub
Prospect Rankings Look Ahead
Spring Level Changers
GASO Summer Debuts: Bryan/College Station
TexasHoops TV Highlight Hub
ICYMI: This championship bout between JL3 16’s and Team LOE had the goods to cap off GASO Madness and we’ve got the full game recap ready to roll above.
Prospect Rankings Look Ahead
The GASO crew has started the long and arduous process of refreshing the rankings for the 2025 and 2026 classes (set to drop in mid-June, only available for subscribers of the GASO FastBreak), but let me tell you, even though there has been some notable names leave the state these classes are still deeper in college level talent than any other state in the country.
Three of the top ten ‘26 prospects have left the state, but it seems like even more high end talent has come out of the woodwork as we will expand our initial Super 70 to the GASO 100 as we get to know more and more about this class.
And as for the ‘25s, despite the top two players in our previous rankings in January departing for preppier pastures (John Clark to Link, Hudson Greer to Montverde), this still remains one of the most stacked recruiting classes we’ve seen in the state, continuing Texas’ every 3 years cycle of excellence when you think about the classes of 2019 and 2022 being similar at the top.
So who will ascend to take the mantle as the new no.1 rising senior in the state? Check back in two weeks time to find out.
Spring Level Changers
This week’s main talking point for our staff has been to identify the players who have significantly raised their game this spring in order to be considered at a higher level during our rankings meetings. Now, this doesn’t always translate into a higher ranking due to a number of factors, but it does contribute into our conversations with college coaches about the level of school that a prospect can attend and be successful at.
So with this thought in mind, the GASO staff has identified a full raft of players they’re preparing to advocate for during these rankings meetings to earn them the bump they deserve.
Austin Goosby (2026) - Drive Nation 16U EYBL - Melissa